Every now and then, amidst the day-to-day whirlwind, we come across stories that reaffirm the importance of what we do at Kicks Count.

It's not about recognition or applause; it's all about the babies that enter this world safely. One such story unfolded last September, and proud mum Charlie wanted us to share it with you to raise awareness.

Like all similar messages we receive, it stopped us in our tracks. Why? because it celebrates a new life, a mother's intuition, and the timely intervention that ensured a happy outcome.

Charlie's Story

Charlie had a routine midwife appointment at 39+5 weeks, and expressed worries about reduced fetal movements while there. The midwife checked baby's heartbeat, and all seemed fine. Charlie went on her way but, despite initial reassurances, she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. 

The next morning, armed with the knowledge about her baby's movements from her Kicks Count leaflet, she made the decision to visit the day assessment unit. That decision was life-changing. 

"Within 15 minutes of being hooked up to the monitors, I was rushed to have an emergency c section to save my boy. My cord had haemorrhaged and my son wasn't receiving the supply of blood he needed, which resulted in him being born heavily anaemic with other medical interventions needed, and a further 10 days spent in the NICU." Charlie reflects.

"I am forever thankful that I listened to the advice I'd remembered from Kicks Count. If I hadn't had gone in that morning things could've ended very differently. I will always be thankful for the advice and work you do to save babies every day."

As we reflect on this story, we're reminded of the profound importance of empowering people to trust their instincts. It's not about statistics or accolades; it's about the moments that matter, the lives that are forever changed because someone, somewhere, took the time to listen, to act, and to believe in the power of awareness.

So, to the mother who trusted her gut, to the baby whose journey has only just begun, and to all those who support our mission, thank you. Your stories are a reminder of why we do what we do, and it inspires us to continue our work, one kick at a time.

As always, if you have any concerns about your baby's movements, call you maternity unit.

Baby Movements wristband pink bracelet

Is there anything I can use to help monitor my baby's movement?

The most important thing - your intuition. Listen to your body and trust your instincts! We know that keeping track of your baby's movements can be easier said than done when you're busy, though. Available via our shop, our-award winning wristbands can help, including if you have an anterior placenta. The wristbands help you track movement episodes and get to know your baby's normal routine, making it easier to recognise a reduction or change.


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