Your baby's movements are an important sign of their wellbeing.

You should continue to feel your baby move right up to the time you go into labour and whilst you are in labour too. It's NOT true that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy. This includes if you have an anterior placenta

If you've noticed a change - maybe they've slowed down or stopped altogether - you should speak to your Maternity Unit.

  • Don't wait until tomorrow to see if things pick up and, please, don't hesitate to call. Your midwives and doctors genuinely want to hear from you if you're worried, and your maternity unit is open 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • Also, don't use home dopplers or phone apps to check your baby's heartbeat. The presence of a heartbeat alone does not mean your baby is well.

  • As it can cause a delay in getting medical advice, trying to prompt your baby move isn't recommended. If your baby's movements are concerning you, always call your maternity unit.

If my baby's movements change does it mean my baby is definitely unwell?

Not at all. Checks by medical professionals usually find that everything is OK. Most women who report one or less episodes of reduced movement go on to have a healthy baby and straightforward pregnancy.

However, it's important to be checked to make sure the change isn't because your baby is one of the few that are unwell. 

Reporting concerns about your baby's movements could save their life.